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What they say about us

Béatrice Simard
Head of Quality and RSE - Data Protection Officer – UTP
“The Union of Public and Railway Transport wished to propose a training course on social dialogue to all its executives. To facilitate this training, Alternego, recognised for its expertise in this field, was called upon. A programme was co-built to meet the needs and expectations of 2 types of audience, one experienced in social dialogue with trade unions, the other in connection with the partners of the branch on more traditional aspects. In the end, these are 3 sessions organised with a framework of common dialogue with both the social partners and the UTP stakeholders!”


A tailor-made micro-learning platform for developing
soft skills.

“The Right Learning
at the Right Time”​

AN Academy offers “à la carte” and virtual learning.

At the heart of the system, the learners become actors of their rise in competence thanks to ultra-concrete and fast capsules (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes), which can be easily integrated into their day-to-day work to meet their immediate operational needs and help them develop targeted skills.


Inter firm adventure

Learning Cruise is an innovative B2B training adventure designed and developed by AlterNego. Designed as a “club festival,” Learning Cruise offers:

inspirational virtual regattas, in which a large community of learners from various companies and sectors come together to participate in interventions by leading experts, artists, exemplary personalities, humourists…

– stopovers in small islands, in the form of workshops or virtual classes, to explore themes and develop soft-skills.

Learning Cruise is also a cohesive and influential onboard community that adds to the culture of change, receiving the support of the AlterNego crew to increment the transformations in the way best suited to each environment.