Ability to Negotiate Test: Do you tend to flee conflict or do you prefer rivalry to test the full measure of your negotiating skills? The simplest thing is to become aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses, that is to say elements that have a negative impact and that need to be corrected.
Inventory of the Unconscious Biais
Risk, the first educational tool for measuring the risks of bias and stereotypes inany professional situation, that raises awareness and provideskey recommendations for action onendogenous and exogenous factors in order tobe more efficient and practical.
Value Of Work, identifies thereasons for the commitment and the
disengagement of employees bymeasuring what they expect and what they get from their
daily work.
NDS/ Negotiation pleasure, an applicationthat allows you to discover the threekeys to a successful negotiation.Preparation, preparation andpreparation… Substantive preparation to be more agile, format preparation to be more convincing, mental preparation to gainconfidence. Be preparedto prepare yourself for success!!