Marie Donzel

A Graduate of Science Po Paris, Marie Donzel started her career in literary publishing before embarking on social innovation consulting. Heading up her own firm for 8 years, she joined AlterNego in 2018 as Associate Director. Her areas of expertise are inclusion (with dominant gender equality, real or assumed origins, LGBTQ & apparent discrimination), social innovation, the ecosystem of stakeholders and the quality of the value chain (Responsible & Fair Procurement). She is the author of the EVE & Donzel report on the cost of occupational equality, co-author of Non à la gynophobie (No to gynophobia) (Stock, 2016) and La sexualité est un jeu (Sexuality is a game, with Martin Winckler, Flammarion, 2010) and de 7 icônes de la pop culture pour comprendre le sexisme (7 icons of pop culture to help understand sexism) (Fil Rouge, 2019) and contributor to Investir la qualité de vie au travail (rééd. Esf 2018) (Investing in Quality of Work Life) (Reed. ESA 2018). She teaches at Sciences Po Paris.
We intervene at the heart of organisations and groups to develop a capacity to act differently, to maintain the commitment of teams, to de-stress interpersonal or organisational tensions in order to foster a culture of cooperation.
These interventions are part of our vision of social dialogue as an essential asset for the success of your transformations.