Jean-Édouard Grésy


An anthropologist, Jean-Édouard works as a consultant on transformation projects and as a crisis mediator.
He lectures on management, leadership, negotiation, the virtues of healthy conflict and quality of life at work, as well as webinars on the negotiators who made history (Louis XI, Catherine de Medici, Rocard…).
A Doctor of Law and a Graduate of EDHEC, he is co-author of fifteen books and comics, such as Gérer les ingérables (Managing the Unmanageable) (ESF), Investir la QVT (Invest in Quality of life at work) (ESF), Comment les négociateurs réussissent (How Negotiators Succeed) (De Boeck), La Médiation au travail (Mediation in the Workplace)(De Boeck), La Révolution du don (The Giving Revolution) (Seuil), Donner c’est recevoir (Giving is Receiving) (Glénat), Vers le Pacifique (Moving towards a peaceful coexistence) (Delcourt)…

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The diversity of opinions is often seen as another constraint in an environment where decision-making is already complicated. However, managers, in their social or commercial relations, must constantly juggle these differences by adopting negotiating or conflict management postures.
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